Following traditional methods to access information on paper is both very expensive for organizations and also leads to financial, non-tangible and prestige losses. Access to information is vital in today’s competitive world. EDMS carries incoming and outgoing documents, facsimile communications, official correspondences, petitions and organizational forms to electronic environment so that access to information and documents is much easier and faster, resulting in improved efficiency and decision making processes of organizations.

A survey suggests that an average of 7.5% of documents in an office are lost while 3% are unavailable due to inaccurate filing. Another survey suggests that office employees spend 50% of their time allocated to documents for searching and finding them while only 5-15% of such time is used for reading it.
As EDMS keeps documents and forms electronically, they can be easily and rapidly accessed from anywhere whenever needed. As documents and forms are not deleted on the system, there is no risk of losing these.

As circulation and approval of documents and forms are made electronically, time and labor are saved in terms of receiving approval, distribution and delivery.
EDMS supports OCR motor. Indexing according to the texts in the documents in the system is possible. Therefore, searched results are found in no time among thousands of documents. Standardization of document identifications accelerate accessibility.
Internal/external incoming/outgoing correspondences and forms are managed electronically. Therefore, consumption of paper/toner is avoided. As documents and forms can be electronically copied; savings are yielded by avoiding physical reproduction.

AKGUN Document Management System operates in compatibility with Regulation on the Principles and Procedures to be followed in Official Correspondences issued pursuant to decision no. 2004/8125 of Cabinet of Ministers. Therefore, users who do not know the rules for official correspondences can also develop texts appropriately and the correspondence standards are maintained among all departments.

Thanks to web-based infrastructure of EDMS, system can be accessed 24x7 from any pc, laptop or tablet and similar mobile devices regardless of location. Therefore, business continuity is ensured by following and approving the important documents and forms anywhere in the world.
EDMS does not pose any problems of lost, worn out or inaccessible documents.

Our Difference:
  • Regular and rapid archiving with class and tree structure, 
  • Classification of user authorizations with role definitions,
  • Assuring access to documents thanks to ability to define authorizations of classes,
  • Document circulation for approval, information, working and controlling thanks to defining workflows,
  • Traceability and reliability thanks to revision validity and cancellation dates,
  • Controlled distribution and monitoring of documents on digital media,
  • Collective document download/upload,
  • 3D and BOM viewing, dimensioning and animation thanks to archiving in XVL and DWF formats.