21 December 2020 - Monday

We participated as the Support Sponsor in the Public Informatics Summit held between 7-11 December 2020 as part of the Public Information Week.

The summit which started with the opening speeches of T.R. Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Dr. Ömer Fatih SAYAN and President of Information Technologies and Communication Institution Mr. Ömer Abdullah KARAGÖZOĞLU, was held online. At the event, where more than 50 speakers took part in 10 sessions, ideas were exchanged with public and private sector representatives on digital transformation projects in the public sector.

We Did Not Have Any Problems In Business Continuity During Pandemic Through Our ERP Software …

AKGUN Business Development and Sales Director Hüseyin ARIKAN took part as a speaker in the “New Generation Management, Communication, Remote Working and ERP Solutions” session. In the session, Mr. ARIKAN shared where AKGÜN is in New Generation Management and Communication and said, “We have been able to perform our corporate processes digitally through the software we have developed in-house since 2011.” said. In addition, Mr. ARIKAN mentioned that the AKGUN firm operating in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia, never had any problems with the remote operation method of business continuity with its in-house developed ERP software in the pandemic period. “Our ERP Solution is an application where our staff make daily and weekly planning in the planning module, do business movements and call management, operations management, SLA management, business opportunities management, product bank, customer data bank and contracts.”